28 More Photos of What Life Looked Like in 1982
Daniel Bonfiglio
While Britain waged war against Argentina in the Falklands, George Lucas shot Return of the Jedi, and the Beastie Boys put their unique spin on the world of hip hop.
1982 was an eccentric year, and like Andre the Giant, everything was bigger.
We've already shown you 48 pics of what life looked like in 1982, but here are 28 more.
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1. The 1982 World's Fair
Knoxville, TN. -
2. The Beastie Boys
Posing in 1982. -
3. Fourth of July
1982, St. Louis. -
4. Harrison Ford
At the 1982 Cannes Film Festival. -
5. Cruisin’ and Hangin’ Out
McDonald’s, 1982. -
6. British Army
Landing on Falkland Islands, 1982. -
7. Teenagers
In an arcade, 1982. -
8. Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Dedication ceremony in Washington, D.C., November 13, 1982. -
9. A 1982 VideoConcepts store.
They were eventually bought by RadioShack. -
10. Bill Murray
At John Belushi's funeral in 1982. -
11. HMS Hermes
Greeted with cheers upon her return home from the Falklands War, 1982. -
12. Eddie Van Halen
With some hops, 1982. -
13. Lower Manhattan
Icy. 1982. -
14. An Asylum, Spain, 1982.
Two autistic kids tied to the radiator. -
15. Punks in London, 1982.
Having a sit and a chat. -
16. Actors Dennis and Randy Quaid.
They were also brothers. 1982. -
17. Stephen King
Opens the gates to his new Victorian-style house, guarded by bats. November 1982. -
18. “Price is Right”
A prize in 1982. -
19. Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill
On the set of Return of the Jedi in 1982. -
20. Princess Diana
Receiving an E.T. doll from Drew Barrymore, Henry Thomas, Robert MacNaughton and Steven Spielberg at the London premiere of E.T. 1982. -
21. Tippi Hedren
With her tiger in her kitchen at home in Los Angeles, 1982. -
22. Sunbathing
In East Germany, 1982. -
23. “Me in 1982"
"At the NHRA U.S. Nationals.” -
24. HMS Invisible
Returns to massive celebrations following the conclusion of the Falklands War, June 17th, 1982. -
25. “My Dad"
"Drifting down the Yukon river on a self built raft in 1982." -
26. Homecoming
King and queen contestants, 1982. -
27. Slash
Before he grew out his hair, playing with his band Tidus Sloan at Fairfax High School, 1982. -
28. Green Line demarcation zone
In Beirut during the Lebanese Civil War, 1982.
- 28 More Photos of What Life Looked Like in 1982
The 1982 World's Fair
Knoxville, TN.
Knoxville, TN.